The Penitentiary Unit nº1 Lisandro Olmos is more than 100 years old and it is one of the Closed Maximum Security Prison with the highest population, almost 3000 inmates. It is also the penitentiary with the highest number of prison deaths. On this scene Project: Hope begins, thus setting up the BetEl Olmos congregation.
Today there are 1600 brothers out of the 3000 inmates.
Our task is to bring relief, love and hope to the believer inmates.
We accompany their families while they serve their sentence, and we keep in touch with them to help them in their reintegration.
Our work began with the delivery of 100 Hope Boxes, which contain non-perishable food, items of hygiene, underwear, towels, Bibles and study material to help them deal with their need, frustrations and failures, and to guide them towards a new life, understanding their social and individual role. Later we provided another 100 boxes containing the same elements.
During winter we provided 200 blankets and 200 pairs of new gloves.
We celebrated Children’s Day with a play, candies, two inflatable castles and toys for the children who were spending this significant day with their parents.
320 baptisms where carried out in December in an orderly and organized manner.
Today we are providing support and teaching church leaders values and discipline based in the love for your neighbor and in community service.